Comprehensive Psychoeducational Assessment

These assessments are designed to determine a wide range of brain functions and related skills that are responsible for learning or behavior. A full individual assessment may include data for different areas such as: Cognitive abilities, academic performance, social-emotional skills, psychical assessment information, and current existing academic data. The assessment is individualized and it is based on the suspected disability and current observed weaknesses. 

Comprehensive evaluations available at the time include:

  • Specific Learning Disabilities, including Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Dyslexia.
  • Attention deficits, including ADHD
  • Executive Functioning Deficits
  • Intellectual Disabilities


Prior to conducting assessment, one of our clinicians will meet with the child’s parent to engage in a brief clinical interview.  During this consultation, a review of symptoms and impairments will be conducted as well as a discussion regarding the child’s developmental process and family history. It is important that our team gain insight into the child’s history to determine if there are additional symptoms present or previous that may signal any additional diagnostic considerations